Privacy Policy

Unlike the rest of the internet, Junkmailz exists for no discernible purpose whatsoever. Therefore we are immune to any commercial concerns that may persuade other sites to abuse your personal information. In other words, we have no interest in filing away your personal details to sell to mass data companies and reap the financial windfalls. We will use your email address solely to send you weird content. You can unsubscribe at any time.

In summary: we want your email address to send you our fictional content. That's it. We store it on a 3rd party server that manages the email system which we don't understand and couldn't possibly replicate with our limited technical means. You're safe.

"I ♥ privacy."
- Kim Jong Un, DUI attorney
"Junkmailz keep my email address safe at night."
- Abraham Lincoln, fisherman
"Spammers abbhor junkmailz."
- Cotton Mather, dilettante